14th April 2016, Brussels
On 14th April 2016, the 4th Meeting of the High Level Tripartite Strategic Forum was held in Brussels. The Meeting was chaired by Mr. Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.
Introduction and objectives of the meeting
The 4th Meeting of the Construction 2020 High Level Tripartite Strategic Forum was an opportunity to take stock of the implementation of the Construction 2020 Action Plan, to identify where progress has been and made and where further efforts are required. Equally, in view of the proposed mid-term review in 2017, it was an opportune moment to give early consideration to the future orientation and possible revision of the Action Plan.
In addition, the Meeting was intended to support preparation of the forthcoming Ministerial Conference on Construction that the European Commission will organise with the Slovak Presidency, which will take place in Bratislava on 15-16 September 2016. The Meeting provided, therefore, an opportunity for the Forum to identify and highlight developments and issues that could be ‘brought to the table’ at the Ministerial Conference.
The Ministerial Conference will be organised around two main topics, which are mirrored in the agenda of the Forum Meeting. The first considered the construction sector’s interrelations with the broad sweep of EU-level cross-sectoral policy initiatives. The second focused on strengthening the business environment for construction so as to support performance improvements and increase the sector’s competitiveness.
The presentation of the Meeting as well as the rapporteur's conclusions on the main topics of discussion can be found at the following links:
PRESENTATION 1 - Improving the image of the construction sector, Mrs Sarah McMonagle, Federation of Master Builders (UK)
PRESENTATION 2 - Innovation to improve performance, quality and safety in construction, Mr Paul Duphil, Secretary General, OPPBTP (FR)
PRESENTATION 3 - Smart regulation and administration, synergies among cross-policies initiatives, Mr Peter van Veen, Director ‘construction’, Ministry of Internal Affairs (NL) tbc
PRESENTATION 4 - Modernisation of public procurement and good governance, Mr Matti Mannonen: Managing Director, Finnish Association of Consulting Firms SKOL (FIN)
Reporting on the main discussion points, Mr. Jan Maarten De Vet, Ecorys Brussels
14.04.2016 :: Print Page